Returning Clients Click here to book!

At this time, we are not accepting any new boarding clients unless they complete one of our training programs.

About Boarding

Just like our training, our boarding is done in our home. This means that unlike a facility where no one works between 7pm and 7am, someone is here overnight. Unlike a pet sitter who comes in for thirty minutes at a time, the pups get hours of play time during the day as well as late night potty breaks, just like at home! A typical day for a dog in boarding includes lots of outside time, play time, and naps! First thing in the morning we go out for potty time, and then everyone is crated for breakfast. At 8am we allow drop offs and pickups while the dogs are calmly eating and digesting. Then it’s back outside for more play time! At 10am the dogs are ready for a nap or a good chew session on a bone in their crate. That means 10am is another good drop off/pickup time. After that we are ready for some training! After a couple hours working with dogs it is lunch time. The pups go out for a mid day potty break and play session. Sometimes this lasts into the evening, depending on weather and training schedules. Because we go on outings with the training dogs we do not offer midday drop off and pickups. If there is more training to be done in the afternoon dogs go back into their crates for nap and chew time, making 4pm another good time for pickups and drop offs. Evening means another romp in the yard and dinner around 6pm. At that time, 6pm, we offer pickups and drop offs. All pickups and drop offs are to be scheduled. We find that owners pulling in while the pups are in the yard is a dangerous situation. The entire pack crowds the same spot to see who the new friend is and this can cause a fight. Pups then go out for last potty around 10-11pm. If you want your pup to get even more activity, check our daycare adventure page! Keep reading for boarding requirements!


Boarding Requirements

When packing your pups things for a stay please include their food and feeding instructions, as well as any medication. Please do not send stuffed beds, they inevitably need cleaning (often due to a different dog) and this is difficult. We have our own crates so you do not have to lug them back and forth, each crate is sanitized after a dogs stay. Keep items to a minimum as this is a place where other pups pickup and destroy favorite toys quickly.

In order for your pup to be eligible for our regular boarding program they must be over 6 months old (we offer specialized puppy boarding for dogs under six months, see below), well socialized with other dogs, well socialized with people, not be fence jumpers, not dig under fences, no resource guarding, up to date on vaccinations, and crate trained. If your dog does not fit into these categories and you still wish to board with us check out our special needs boarding options.

Regular Boarding is $45/night and $35/additional dog

Vaccinations we require are Bordetella (like the flu shot your dog can still contract Bordetella but the symptoms are milder), Rabies, and Distemper/Parvo (DHPP). We also require a clean fecal yearly. Puppies under 16 weeks have different requirements.

Puppy Boarding: We do not recommend boarding puppies under 12 weeks old. However, we understand that life can sometimes throw the unexpected your way and it becomes necessary. When boarding puppies under 12 weeks we recommend you bring their food, crate, bowls, bedding, leash and anything else they will need. Puppies this young will not be allowed in our fenced area, they will be leash walked for their exercise and potty breaks for their safety. They will also not be allowed to interact with other dogs until they get their rabies shot at 16 weeks. Boarding a puppy between 12 and 16 weeks means they are allowed to use the fenced in yard (because they’ve had their parvo vaccine), but they are still not allowed to interact with other dogs. Puppies between 16 weeks and 6 months are allowed to be in the yard and interact with other dogs, but they will remain at a puppy rate until they are over 6 months old.

Puppy Barding is $50/night

To book Regular Boarding or Puppy Boarding click here:

Special Needs Boarding: This is for dogs who need just a little extra attention and includes but is not limited to: dog selective dogs, dogs who are unaltered, dogs who cannot be loose in a fence, hand feeding, frequent accidents due to illness or age, and other special needs (this does not include medications given easily and safely).

Special Needs Boarding is $50/night and $40/night for additional special needs dogs

For new clients wishing to book special needs boarding please email
